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Fall 2024 Classes 

All classes & camps take place at SPLAT Hershey - 1669 East Derry Road

4 Week Classes - ages 6-14

In these classes, participants make a specific, predetermined project. These classes allow students to explore and learn how to create with the artistic processes and mediums involved in the creation of each project.

Corrugated Cardboard Collage & Sculpt


Medium: Collage with Cardboard, array of Craft Materials & Spray Tempera Paint

Art Skills: Story, Design, Build, Tear, Cut, Glue, Paint, Raised Sculpture, Collage

Art Speak: 3-D Art, Relief Sculpture, Corrugated Cardboard, Collage, Focal Point

In this 4-week class, students will create a 3 dimensional work of art from cardboard and create a corrugated cardboard collage / sculpture using an array of craft materials.  The student will learn about building techniques for use with cardboard and paper.  Additionally skills will be taught on how to accentuate specific areas of the work of art making a focal point for the viewer.. Instructors will teach the students step-by-step how to design and layer the cardboard and assemblage of craft materials to create stories and build their vision.

Student Tuition: $130 (Includes Education & Art Materials.)

Mondays from 4:30-5:45 pm

9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14 2024

Simple Sewing

June 18 AM Simple Sewing.jpg

Medium: Fabric, Embroidery Floss, Sewing Needle 

Art Skills: Designing, Hand Stitching 

Art Speak: Running Stitch, Cross Stitch

In this 4-week class, students will create a variety of sewn works with simple techniques. The students will learn to thread a needle, use an embroidery hoop, and sew different stitch patterns. Instructors will guide students through each sewing process step-by-step.

Student Tuition: $130 (Includes Education & Art Materials.)

Mondays from 4:30-5:45 pm

10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11 2024

Handmade Heirlooms - Giftmaking



Students will learn different crafting techniques to create one-of-a-kind handmade holiday heirlooms which can be given as unique gifts to loved ones! We will be offering this class on individual dates, or, you can register for all 4 classes which will leave the student with 4 unique pieces of art at the conclusion! 


Individual Class Dates & Craft

Monday, 12/2/2024 - Class 1 - Mosaic Ornament

Monday, 12/9/2024 - Class 2 - Handbuilt (Clay) Ornament

Monday, 12/16/2024 - Class 3 - Painted Ceramic Bisque Ornament

Monday, 12/23/2024 - Class 4 - Collage Ornament


All 4-Classes Student Tuition Plan: $140 (Includes Education & Art Materials.)

Single Student Tuition per class: $40 (Includes Education & Art Materials.) 

**PLEASE NOTE** Tuition for ALL 4 CLASSES (12/2, 12/9, 12/16 or 12/23) is available as a "Plan". Single Student 4-week Tuition rate of $140 includes 4 classes, art materials & education.  After clicking 12/2 2024 - Choose Buy a Plan. You will be paid in full and automatically enrolled in the 2024 4-week classes.


Single Student Tuition PER CLASS is $40; which includes 1 class of your choice, art materials & education. Our Booking system will prompt you to check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you (either 12/2, 12/9, 12/16 or 12/23). Choose Pay for this session - which will then prompt you to pay online. You will be paid in full and automatically enrolled into the class on the chosen date. 

Mondays from 4:30-5:45 pm
12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 12/23 2024

Once a Month Classes

The ART of Reading - ages 3-12

In this class, participants create a project inspired by a picture book artist. Students will explore how artists incorporate storytelling within their artwork by trying out various artistic processes that different picture book artists utilize. The lessons are designed to help students build basic art skills and their creative confidence while exploring a variety of art materials, tools, and styles of art making.

Ages 3-12 are welcome!
Ages 3, 4 & 5 must attend with an Adult helpmate (18+) 
Ages 6+ Drop-Off 

Remember, dress for a mess &
PLEASE wear closed shoes!

Fourth Sundays from 12:30-1:45 pm 

*Unless otherwise noted

September 29, 2024

October 27, 2024

November 24, 2024

December 29, 2024


Single Class Tuition: $30 per class​ (Includes Education & Art Materials.)

10 Week Classes - ages 6-16

This is a mixed media class and includes a minimum of one 2-D project (i.e. drawing or painting) and one 3-D project (i.e. sculpting and building). Additionally, there is a community art exposure where the kids are introduced to arts opportunities such as working artists and art venues.

Learning to Think Like an Artist

ages 6-10


from 4:30 to 5:45 pm

September 12, 19, 26

October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

November 7, 14 2024

Tuition: $230

Mastering Media

ages 10-16


from 6:00 to 8:00 pm

September 12, 19, 26

October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

November 7, 14 2024

Tuition: $290

Tuition includes Education for 10 weeks & all Art Materials.

Inclement Weather Policy

If the Derry Township School District is released early or closed due to weather conditions, the studio will also be closed and art programming will be rescheduled. Due to scheduling constraints, make-up classes may not be offered the same night and time as the originally scheduled class. Best efforts will be made to allow for the majority of children to participate in the make-up class. Notification of cancellation and make-up classes will be posted on SPLAT's Facebook page and an email will be sent to participating families.

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